About Us

What We Do & How We Can Help You

We help people living with pain to start enjoying a pain-free life again through Bodywork Deep Tissue.

My life's purpose is to help you

At 35 years old, I discovered my light in the world while living my worst nightmare. More on that belowOnce I found my light I found my calling.

My life's purpose is to help as many people as I can to break free from emotional and physical pain that keeps them stuck in a place they don't want to be.


The bodywork is so powerful, that I want to share it with the world. That is what drives me. Seeing the looks on my clients' faces after they get the results only fills me with energy and fire. 

I know I can help you too.

Did You Know

If you're living with pain, you're not alone.

Living With Chronic Pain


Estimates show that between 11-40% of US adults are living with chronic pain. 

Source: CDC

The Most Common Chronic Pain


Low back pain is the most common type of chronic pain.

Source: CDC

Chronic Pain & Depression


More than 80% of patients with chronic pain are affected by severe depression.

Source: CDC

Living a Nightmare

are you currently living a similar story?

Here was my never ending list of symptoms. 

How can anyone live a, 'normal' life when they experience this every single day?

Brain fog

Couldn't think straight.

Couldn’t think of words

Had no words to express myself.

Muslcle weakness

Hard to walk.

Physical Pain All Over Body

The pain took any energy I had.

Extreme Fatigue

No amount of sleep was working.

Numbness And Tingling

Just walking was a challenge.

Heart Palpitations

With shortness of breath & severe dizziness

Anxiety Attacks

Felt like I was dying.

This was me in 2012

This Is me NOW

How My journey Can Help Yous

Got married in 2006 to the most amazing man on the planet. Like most couples, we had hopes, dreams, goals and a huge bucket list of places we wanted to see while traveling the globe. 

I was literally the poster child for, superwoman. Went to school, opened a new business, had three jobs, worked out religiously 2 hours a day and to top it off, I even entered body figure competitions. No clue how I did this, but I know exactly what it cost me.

I ate right. I juiced. Wanted to feel well, but nothing was changing

In fact, things were progressively getting worse. I was at the end of my rope.

Two years after I got married, everything came crushing down. I mean everything.

The downhill battle started with noodle-y legs then came the fatigue, lack of sleep & not feeling, 'like myself". I did what the majority of people do in our country. I went to the doctor. Test after test I kept hearing, "you're in perfect health, it's all in your mind". What I actually heard, was, "you're crazy".

After I exhausted my doctor I seeked out a natural path. She gave me a lot of insight my doctor never did. My adrenals were shot, I had Lyme disease with co infections and placed on a very strict diet protocol. 

I ate right. I juiced. Wanted to feel well, but nothing was changing. In fact, things were progressively getting worse. I was at the end of my rope. When the debilitating panic attacks came, I literally wanted to die. With every hospital visit I was scared that this was it.

With the little life force I had left, I found Sherry Lewis - a women who performed a muscle test on me and advised me to remove my breast implants ASAP. Back then, Breast Implant Illness (BII) was not a thing.

My surgery was not deemed important and given a four month wait. To me, that was a life sentence and the grand puba of panic attacks set in.

I was lucky.

That day, an ER doctor felt my cry for help. So instead of giving me the regular panic attack protocol to ensure it wasn't a heart attack, he sent me for a CT scan which clearly showed my breast implants ruptured. They got me in right away to get them removed ... 

That's when the healing journey started.

Looking back, I see how lost I was even though everything looked great on the surface.

The missing link was dealing with the emotional baggage that I kept sweeping under the rug. 

Deeply routed was a notion that I wasn't good enough and I never loved myself.

No one will ever tell you that you health problems may be linked to you life experiences & traumas - let alone how to deal with them. With my heart & soul, I truly believe that's where my health problems steamed from.

Why? Because once I dealt with the trauma, like magic all my symptoms started to disappear.

Change is hard at first, messy in the middle & glorious at the end


Someone can tell you everything you need to to do to heal, but unless you're ready for it people don’t want to change and I don’t know why that is. I was going to do anything to get well. You need to hit the end of your rope to get ready. Are you actually ready otherwise I cant help you . You need to be 100% on board. Eveything starts in the mind. 

So, What Did I Do?

Discovered the Wolfe Non Surgical Deep Tissue through online research which not only helps to relieve body aches & pains but unblocks the emotions stuck in our bodies due to negative life experiences or trauma. I had nothing to loose, so I gave it a try.

Secondly, I started deep emotional work and found my breakthrough. Slowly, but surely I became aware of the thoughts in my head and went from hating myself to never dishonouring myself like that ever again.

  1. 1
    Body work pelvic clearance: Had the Wolfe Non-Surgical Deep Tissue Treatment done three times. I was holding a lot of trauma there and the release from the treatment helped to release.
  2. 2
    EMOTIONAL WORK: Empowered to become a different person. Someone who is confident. I'm no longer ashamed about my body or what sex stands for. Now, I'm able to have true intimacy with my husband.
  3. 3
    heart release: Had the Wolfe Non-Surgical Deep Tissue Treatment done. It allowed me to let go of past hurts which caused fear and anxiety that was deep routed and layered. Once I had it cleared, I felt free and empowered.

Today I help others

Turned into a completely different person and I know you can too. If you feel stuck in your life, deflated or living with chronic pain - know I understand you as I was there too. 

Let me aid you to experience the freedom that I did; physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

That's what I want for others.

This lead me to become a practitioner & a Wolfe Non Surgical master trainer. 

Master Practitioner 

Whole Life Coach Certification 

Non Surgical Master Trainer

Photo Credit: Kinga Studios

Certified through the Board Of Natural Medicine and the World Organization of Natural Medicine 
