Bodywork, is the most effective form of bodywork out there. Where other therapies failed, the Deep Tissue Bodywork succeeds!

What Is Bodywork

The treatment, uses a specialized technique that uses the elbow to gently pull apart scar tissue & crystallization. They are the main causes of body pain, inflammation, or decreased range of motion. 

By helping the body to increase proper blood & lymph flow to the area, you can help it to heal.

The Bodywork Therapy is a breakthrough treatment that uses specialized techniques to alleviate aches, pain and promote healing. With a track record of success and exceptional results, we're proud to offer this therapy to our clients to provide long-lasting relief.

Dana Billings

Master Practitioner & owner of Innate Healing

How does it work

Unlike surgery or injections, our therapy is a non-invasive treatment option.
Our therapy uses a special technique to break up scar tissue, cystalization and promote whole body healing. 

By increasing blood flow to the affected area, our therapy helps promote healing and speed up the recovery process.
Our therapy is designed to reach deep tissue areas that are often difficult to treat with traditional massage methods.

symptoms Bodywork can Alleviate

If you're suffering from these conditions or experiencing these symptoms, we can help.

Back Pain

Alleviate chronic back pain and improve mobility.


Alleviate chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia by breaking down adhesions and increasing circulation in affected areas.

Frozen Neck / Shoulder

By breaking down scar tissue that may have formed in the neck or shoulder area, which can be the underlying cause of frozen neck/shoulder.

Joint Pain

Effective for treating joint pain caused by arthritis, injury, or other underlying conditions.

Knee Pain


Muscle Strains

Or reduce inflammation and promote healing of muscle strains and sprains.

Neck Pain

Deep tissue massage can help reduce inflammation and swelling around the neck, which can cause pain and stiffness.


Alleviate sciatica pain by working out knots and tension in the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve, helping to release any compression or irritation on the nerve itself. It can also help stretch and lengthen muscles that may be contributing to the nerve compression.

Sport Injuries

-hronic back pain and improve mobility.

Tension Headaches

The pain and discomfort associated with tension headaches by relaxing tense areas.


Feeling stuck? Deep tissue is great for the abdomen to gently allow things to start moving and flowing.

Emotions are a natural part of being human, but we don't always know how to deal with them; especially the negative ones.

If left unprocessed, these emotions can manifest as physical pain. Identifying and addressing the underlying emotional issue can often alleviate physical symptoms. We're here to help you through this process.

The Link Between Emotional & Physical Pain

Benefits of Deep Tissue Bodywork

Improved Range of Motion

By increasing flexibility and decreasing stiffness, Deep Tissue Bodywork can help improve range of motion in affected joints and muscles.

Reduced pain & Stiffness

Our therapy has been shown to be extremely effective in reducing pain and promoting healing, with many clients experiencing long-lasting relief.

Improved Flexibility

By targeting deep tissue areas, our therapy can help improve mobility and increase flexibility over time.

Promotes Relaxation

In addition to reducing pain, our therapy is designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and help you unwind after a long day.

side affects

Some of our patients experienced the following side effects post a Deep Tissue Bodywork session. 

  1. 1
    Muscle Soreness: Some patients may experience soreness or stiffness in the muscles following deep tissue massage. This typically resolves within a few days.
  2. 2
    Temporary Bruising: Deep Tissue Bodywork can occasionally cause minor bruising due to the release of toxins from the muscles.
  3. 3
    Temporary Hypotension: Some clients experience a temporary drop in blood pressure, which can lead to feelings of lightheadedness or dizziness. 


What Our Clients Say About Deep Tissue Bodywork

Dislocated my knee and have had joint issues my whole life...

" Dana does such incredible work! I partially dislocated my knee and have had joint issues my whole life. She was able to message the area and work out points I wasn't even aware were sore. She was gentle and constantly checking to make sure I was doing okay.

I can already feel the difference in my leg after just one session. She is so easygoing and makes you feel so relaxed and comfortable. I will definitely be returning and would 100% recommend her for any issues you may have! "

Kristy Hansen



Had surgery on my leg about 7 years ago and I had lost feeling on my leg!

" Dana is my daughter.

I had surgery on my leg about 7 years ago and I had lost feeling on my leg. It would feel numb and painful. Since she worked on it it’s like the nerves came alive. I can feel it when I touch it and the pain is less intense after just one treatment. I’m thankful she’s my daughter because I get to have this amazing work done whenever I need it!! "

Laura Peterson



Worth a visit if you are struggling with mainstream medicine.

" Great experience with awesome results. Dana is a professional in every respect. Worth a visit if you are struggling with mainstream medicine. "

Michael Gay



" I connected with Dana after listening to her testimony on the Braveheart women’s show. I had been following Dr. Wolf’s protocol for several months and now was very much interested in the nonsurgical healing technique.

After connecting with Dana several times she agreed to travel to Michigan where I live.

My sister and a friend of mine were on board as well. We were able to coordinate our schedules to have Dana over a 6 day period. Dana was very thorough in explaining the type of massage she does, which may involve a little soreness as well as eliminating toxins, mine was vey minimal. She is very dedicated and passionate about her work. As she said…”I’m truly committed and over joyed when my clients get results, this why I love doing what I do.”

Each of us experienced our own physical and emotional release. Dana is an unique and gifted healer, the Lord has certainly blessed her to be a blessing to many others. Carol, Leesa and myself will forever be grateful for the wonderful healing journey we experienced. 💜🌱💜 "

Jan McVey

Michigan, USA


What an absolutely wonderful experience

" What an absolutely wonderful experience I have had with Dana getting Deep Tissue Bodywork! I am so looking forward to this amazing journey of health and freedom! I also have gained a lifelong friend xo "

Linda Carpenter

Michigan, USA


" One treatment of Deep Tissue BodyWork and feeling better already. "

Kristine Stonemark

Michigan, USA


" Dana has a kind, caring spirit and I felt very cared for as she worked on me...with sensitivity, competency and an obvious love to help people. Highly recommend. "

Diana Grubb

( Designer)


Dana is a very valuable asset to our Twin Ports community!

" Our healthcare systems seem to be so commercialized and government-controlled these days. There is a huge gap between what other countries promote for healing techniques versus what we promote.

The non-surgical services that Dana provides to help your body heal naturally are not spoken about often enough. Instead, we are herded through the cattle gates of Corporate America's "take your pills" philosophy when really, our bodies hold most of the healing powers we need. We should be talking more about how to unleash the amazing powers that the human body holds. I'm happy to have Dana and her pain management & non surgical healing here in Duluth, MN. She is a very valuable asset to our Twin Ports community! "

Brian Coombe

( Designer)


" Working with Dana has been remarkable! "

Jerry W. Zink

( Designer)







This is appointment for first time clients

  • Case History Form: To get to the root of your symptoms
  • Consultation: To discuss your concerns  Value $59.70
  • 10 POINTS BODY CHECK: To confirm the source of aches or pains & see how the rest of your body is doing - Value $49
  • 45 MINUTE SESSIONDeep Tissue Bodywork - Value $179.10
  • STRUCTURED WATER PRE-SESSION: To get your body hydrated - Value $5
  • HUMIC FULVIC & CHARCOAL POST SESSION: To bind toxins released during your session Value $1.99
  • 15 MINUTE treatment: Bioptron Energy Medicine Pain Value $32.71


Yours For $299





This is appointment for returning clients

  • 60 MINUTE SESSIONDeep Tissue Bodywork - Value $238.80
  • STRUCTURED WATER PRE-SESSION: To get your body hydrated - Value $5
  • HUMIC FULVIC & CHARCOAL POST SESSION (cell core): To bind toxins released during your session Value $1.99
  • 15 MINUTE TREATMENT: Bioptron Energy Medicine Pain Value $32.71


Yours For $199


Here are the most common questions we're received. If you did not find your answer, please feel free to contact me directly prior to booking your appointment at

What is Bodywork?

Write the answer to the question here. This way, your visitors can easily pick the questions that matter to them, without being distracted by loads of text from the FAQ.

What is the difference between Bodywork and a deep tissue massage?

The texts in our landing pages can help you in creating good copy. And don't worry about it too much. The only way to get better at copywriting is to write more copy. So, get writing.

What is the difference between Bodywork and a sports massage?

A sports massage is meant to provide tight muscle relief and help with flexibility. Deep Tissue Bodywork gets rid of scar tissue which increases your range of motion so that your body starts moving the way it was designed. 

I'm pregnant, do you recommend I come in for a session?

No. If you're pregnant we do not recommend you come in for a session. We'll happily see you 2 months post birth.

I recently had surgery, do you recommend I come in for a session?

If you recently had surgery, we recommend waiting 6-8 weeks after your surgery to book a session.

Does Bodywork hurt?

Yes, there is some discomfort. The amount depends on your pain tolerance. If you're sensitive to pain we'll start off slow and gradually increase pressure, go in lovingly and take our time.

Please note: Individuals with a very low pain tolerance may need 8-10 sessions rather than individuals with high pain tolerance that require 3-6 sessions. 

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions required depends on the severity of your condition. During your initial appointment, we'll develop a customized plan that meets your needs.

What can I expect after the Bodywork session?

You may experience some soreness on the area we worked on. Some bruising may occur as early as a few hours post-session. Do not be alarmed, this is normal. The results are worth it. 

How quickly will I see results?

This depends on the amount of inflammation in the body and how well you're taking care of yourself nutritionally. Since everybody is different, this can only be discussed in a consultation which will happen on your first visit. 

On average most times clients feel results between 3-5 sessions. 

What should I wear to my appointment?

This depends on the area being worked on.

  • Lower body: Recommend to wear loose, comfy shorts
  • Upper body: Recommend to wear a loose shirt or a zip-up. 

What do you charge per Bodywork session?

The rate for a Deep Tissue Bodywork session is $200/hour.

Do you offer discounts on multiple bookings?

Absolutely! After your first Deep Tissue Bodyworks session, I’ll assess how many treatments you’ll require. We offer discounts on multiple bookings. 

Is Bodywork covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, Deep Tissue Bodywork is not covered by insurance. 

How do I book?

Booking an appointment is easy:

  1. Click the button below to access our calendar.
  2. Choose a date & time that is most convenient.
  3. An email confirmation will be sent to the email address provided.

How to book your deep tissue body work

Please follow the next steps to complete the process


Click on the button below to access our calendar & view availability:


Choose a date & time that is most convenient for your appointment. 


Pay for your session & an email confirmation with your scheduled appointment will be sent to the email address provided.

Deep Tissue Bodywork gently pulls apart scar tissue and crystalization which allows the blood to flow back into that area. Helping the body to restore its own connective tissue. 
