Harness the Healing Power of Energy Medicine

Energy medicine is an ancient healing approach that acknowledges the existence of subtle energy systems within our bodies, emphasizing the balance and flow of this energy to promote overall well-being. While it may still be considered unconventional by some, numerous scientific studies and countless testimonials have shed light on its remarkable benefits. Explore the transformative advantages that energy medicine treatments can offer to anyone seeking a holistic approach to healing.

Restoring Balance and Harmony

Energy medicine treatments work towards rebalancing the body's energy systems, promoting improved physical, emotional, and mental well-being. By removing energy blockages and restoring the smooth flow of energy, these therapies aim to foster a harmonious state within the whole being.

Reducing Stress and Enhancing Emotional Resilience

Energy medicine treatments offer profound benefits for emotional well-being.

Personalized Solutions

One size doesn't fit all when it comes to advanced light therapy treatments.

For this reason, Innate Healing has various energy medicine devices to target your specific needs. 

For a complete list of energy medicine devices we carry, please see below.

Streng the Immune System

Energy medicine treatments can support a healthy immune system by improving the body's energy flow and enhancing its natural defenses. 

Alleviating Physical Discomfort and Pain

Whether it's chronic pain, muscular tension, or other physical ailments, energy medicine treatments can effectively complement conventional approaches to pain management. By promoting the smooth flow of energy throughout the body, these therapies activate the body's natural healing mechanisms, reducing discomfort and promoting overall physical well-being.

Decrease Signs of Aging

Minimizes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. From boosting collagen and elastin production to improving skin texture and tone, these treatments offer a safe and non-invasive alternative to invasive procedures.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration"

n tesla

Our Energy medicine Devices

Bioptron Pro®

Bioptron Pro on a stand with head facing downward

BIOPTRON Pro Quantum Hyperlight has been accepted as a unique form of treatment, DISEASE PREVENTION, THERAPY and RECOVERY for various medical indications and health issues:

ULCERA PEDIS: Diabetes mellitus healing was achieved after nine months with BIOPTRON® exposure.

Wound Healing

Significantly reduces the time required

for complete dermal regeneration (healing time) of damaged skin

and reduces scar formation.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Medically approved and ideal for the treatment of seasonal depression.

Pain Reflief

Significantly reduces pain sensation swelling and hematomas. Reduces inflammation caused by injuries, degenerative diseases or autoimmune diseases.

Experience improved microcirculation, reduced muscle spasms, and the activation of natural pain-killing processes.

Anti Aging

Slows down the skin’s natural aging process. It stimulates specific cells in the skin

known as fibroblasts which produce collagen and elastin and is a natural rejuvenation treatment for the skin.

Reduces both fine and deep wrinkles by

stimulating elastin and collagen production.

avacen Thermotherapy®

Non-invasive and FDA-approved treatment. Avacen Thermotherapy works by stimulating the microcirculation through the palm of your hand. Once your body received an increase in microcirculation, it can enhance oxygen delivery to cells & removes toxins at a cellular level. This helps your whole body to function at its best.

The Avacen gives temporary relief from body pain, promote better quality sleep, aids to eliminate toxins form the body and increases digestion.


  • Minor muscle pain, joint pain, and stiffness
  • Joint pain associated with arthritis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Minor strains and sprains
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Temporary increase of local circulation


The Flowpresso puts your body into a parasympathetic state which promotes a whole-body reset & repair. The flowpresso, aids to increase your lymphatic drainage. 


  • Stagnant lymph
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Decrease Anxiety

  • Compression Therapy

    Compression technology was first introduced to medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including circulatory conditions. Compression therapy helps encourage flow within the body and assist with releasing toxins from your system.

    Deep Pressure Therapy

    Flowpresso® applies deep pressure to the whole body generating a profoundly relaxing effect, allowing the body to calm and release the daily stress of life.

    Thermodynamic Heat Therapy

    Thermodynamic therapy can help with a variety of health issues. Researchers discovered that when heat was applied to local areas or the whole body, it had a sleep-promoting effect. The Flowpresso® warmth and temperature range are designed to encourage relaxation and sleep, promote circulation, and support an improvement in health and well-being.

    Vitamin D Light

    A naturally effective source of Vitamin D for general health, especially for those with problems absorbing Vitamin D.

    Vitamin D is essential to human health yet many people are deficient, especially those that live at higher latitudes, far away from the earth’s equator. 

    Duluth, we qualify as having the second least amount of sunny days. International Falls beat us by two days!

    Do you have Vitamin D deficiency? Here are the most common symptoms:

    Bone Pain
    Not Sleeping Well
    Hair Loss
    Muscle Weakness
    Loss of Appetite
    Check Availability by clicking the button below:

    PEMF Sentient Element 

    All of your cells operate at a specific charge or voltage. When the charge drops in the cells, we experience unwanted symptoms such as pain. You can increase the charge of your cells by drinking good quality filtered structured water, exercising, and of course a well-balanced diet. 

    For those that can't do enough of those activities that's where the PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic field) Sentient Element Therapy is helpful. Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange between cells. By adjusting different frequencies on the Sentient Element, we can zero in on a particular symptom.

    Many clients experienced relaxation and energy gain post-treatment.  


    • Lyme Disease
    • Musculoskeletal issues such as osteoporosis or arthritis 
    • Chronic Pain Problems
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Leaky Gut

    Improved Blood Circulation

    Frequencies below 100Hz can aid in improving blood circulation, better digestion, relieving inflammation, reducing pain, bone healing and soft tissue, and supporting the healing of body systems. This therapy can increase nitric oxide levels, which aids in widening the blood vessels for better blood flow.

    Detoxifies the Body


    Triggers Cellular Vibration


    Weight Loss


    Check Availability by clicking the button below:


    • Bioptron

    • Avacen

    • Flowpreso

    • Vitamin D Light

    • Sentient Element

    I have really bad face acne. Tried everything and nothing worked. Is the Bioptron effective against my acne?

    Absolutely! During your visit, we'll discuss your diet first as this has a direct impact on the health of your skin. Assuming you eat a well-balanced diet and still have severe acne, the Bioptron can definitely help.

    This device uses polarized light. Basically, it means that it's able to penetrate the skin's surface much deeper causing it to be much more effective. The Bioptron contains both blue & red wavelengths.

    • The blue light kills the bacteria causing acne and 
    • The red light calms the inflammation to get rid of the redness. 

    The treatment is quite simple. You shine the Bioptron light approximately 4 inches away from the area affected by the acne for 15 min.

    How long before I see visible results on my face from the acne? How long will this treatment last and how much does it cost?

    Good question. Let me break is down.

    How Long Before I see results:

    Everybody is a little different. The treatment options and duration will depend on how severe your acne is and what your food & water intake looks like. On average most clients see a significant reduction in three weeks. This is based on severe cases.

    How long is the acne treatment:

    I'll need to see you to better estimate your particular case. In severe cases, most treatment options are to use the Bioptron for 15 minutes daily for a total of three weeks. 

    How much does it cost:

    Believe it or not, it's nothing close to what you'd pay for a typical acne treatment with a dermatologist!

    According to Talktomira, in 2021: 

    Topical acne gels and creams typically cost between $36-$336 a year; oral acne medications cost between $72.53-$1,304.09 for a normal prescription cycle and cost between $167-$2,509 for common acne procedures. There is also an additional cost for visiting the dermatologist, which on average, is around $221.

    I won't get into the side effects of using the steroid creams or the damage they can potentially cause to your liver, but the Bioptron acne three-week treatment will cost $915.88. Utilizing BIOPTRON does not assume antibiotic consumption, nor does it imply any kinds of creams that are often based on acid or other harmful ingredients, which as a result dehydrate the skin, disrupt its PH, and often lead to skin marks and serious skin disorders. 

    I have body pains and I don't want to be taking pain killers on a regular basis. Can the Bioptron help?

    Yes, the Bioptron can help to ease temporary pain relief.

    It uses polarized light, which means that it's able to penetrate deep under the skin. This causes an increase in microcirculation to the tissues that have pain by shutting down the nerve endings that send pain signals to the brain. It's even safe for home use.

    Depending on the severity and type of pain you're experiencing, it might be more cost-effective for you to purchase a machine for home use. 

    I have a sport injury, can the Bioptron help me?

    Sport-related injuries require immediate treatment. If you cannot see a specialist right away, consider a Bioptron treatment. It is 100% safe polarized light therapy. This means that it's able to penetrate deep into the injured muscles. deep into the spine where injuries occur, deep into the joints such as shoulders, knees, and ankles. It gets the athletes on their feet faster and aids in avoiding recurring injury.

    How do I book a Bioptron treatment?

    Booking a treatment is easy! Simply click the button below and choose a date and time from the calendar that is most convenient for you. Answer a few questions, pay for your treatment, and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided. For convenience, a text message will be sent 24 hours prior to your treatment to remind you of your appointment. 

    Energy medicine treatments have proven to be an effective addition to conventional medicine, offering unique benefits for individuals seeking holistic healing approaches. By promoting the balance and flow of the body's energy systems, this ancient healing practice facilitates physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
